Opor ayam is one of the most popular Javanese chicken dishes. Opor refers to the method of cooking/braising in coconut milk. Opor is usually pale in colour ( caused by the coconut milk). Traditional opor ayam is cooked by frying the chicken pieces half-cooked and then simmering them in coconut milk and spices. This dish has a deep flavour from the herbs, and the creaminess of the coconut milk is simply wonderful. Opor ayam is one of the dishes that must be served during Eid al-Fitr and Cap Go Meh celebrations, from yellow spiced chicken opor to white spiced chicken opor. There are many versions of opor ayam from many regions, but all have their own specialities.
Opor ayam ist eines der beliebtesten javanischen Hühnergerichte. Opor bezieht sich auf das Kochen/Schmoren in Kokosmilch. Opor hat normalerweise eine helle Farbe (wegen der Kokosmilch). Bei der traditionellen Zubereitung von Opor Ayam werden die Hühnerteile halbgar gebraten und dann in Kokosmilch und Gewürzen gekocht. Die Gewürze verleihen dem Gericht einen intensiven Geschmack und die Cremigkeit der Kokosmilch ist einfach köstlich. Opor Ayam gehört zu den Gerichten, die zu den Festen Eid al-Fitr und Cap Go Meh serviert werden müssen, und zwar als gelb gewürztes oder weiß gewürztes Huhn. Es gibt viele Varianten von Opor Ayam aus vielen Regionen, aber jede hat ihre eigenen Spezialitäten.

1 chicken, cut into 4-8 pieces (or use 8 chicken drumsticks)
1 lemongrass (Indonesian: sereh), cut and bruised
2 Indonesian bay leaves (Indonesian: daun salam)
2 kaffir lime leaves (Indonesian: daun jeruk)
500 ml water
200 ml coconut milk (Indonesian: santan)
fried shallots (Indonesian: bawang merah goreng), for garnish (optional)
Grind the following into spice paste
100 gram shallot (Indonesian: bawang merah)
4 cloves garlic (Indonesian: bawang putih)
5 candlenut (Indonesian: kemiri) (or 8-10 macadamia nuts)
1 inch galangal (Indonesian: lengkuas)
2 teaspoon coriander seeds (Indonesian: biji ketumbar)
½ teaspoon cumin seeds (Indonesian: biji jinten)
1 teaspoon salt, or to taste
½ teaspoon sugar, or to taste
Heat the oil and sauté the spices, lemongrass, lime leaves and bay leaves until fragrant. Remove and set aside.
Add chicken and stir-fry spices. Pour in the coconut milk. Stir well from time to time.
Add sugar and salt to taste. Stir well, and cook until chicken is tender, or to your choice.
Remove from heat and serve.