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Known for its high quality and refined natural taste, Bali Amed Salt was appointed as a salt producer by the kings of the Karangasem Kingdom in 1578 BC. Bali Amed Salt has been produced and consumed by the local community in Amed for hundreds of years. Today, the local and traditional artisanal salt extraction techniques are valued, protected and recognised as a Geographical Indication in Indonesia and Europe.

The sandy soil of the beaches - tanah sari - where Amed Salt is produced contains clay that traps salt minerals from the seawater. This makes life easier for the salt workers, who don't have to build salt ponds. Instead, the drying and crystallisation process requires drying trays made from coconut tree trunks. This process is ideal for salt production in the Amed area, where coastal land is scarce but coconut and palm trees are abundant.

Bali Amed Salt crystals crumble easily in the mouth, giving a salty taste that is easily lost without excessive bitterness. Some reviews suggest that it tastes "umami" and does not have the bitter aftertaste of more common salt.

Sea Salt - Amed, Bali

150 Grams
VAT Included
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